Saturday, January 7, 2012

Home, and Sleepy ...

Mia in her Boppy by tf-oto
Mia sleeping off her first big doctor's appointment
Mia in her Boppy, a photo by tf-oto on Flickr.

January 7 was actually Little Miss Mia's official due date, but the forces that be decided to bring her to us early. We actually were discharged on Thursday evening, and now have two broken up sleepless nights under our belt. Night One was pretty rough, if only because the stories of sleepless parents we've heard suddenly became a reality. I got about four hours that first night, broken into three shifts. She feeds (and soils) every couple hours as she should, but the tricky part has been getting her back to sleep at 4am. She understandably doesn't want to sleep in her bassinet alone at night, even if it's only four feet from Mommy. Night Two, I discovered she likes Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker. I played a few tracks on my iPod, and gently rubbed her temples until those eyes faded to sleep. It worked surprisingly well, and will create a playlist later today of some classical tracks I think could be soothing. I'll post the list sometime soon. She actually slept for the better part of three hours in one stint, which was heavenly.

Today is also our "Open House" for a few friends and family to come meet our angel. We decided it made sense to have a short four hour window for visitors, just so we can control the flow of guests a bit. It sounds like it might be more work/stress to have people popping in all the time. The house actually doesn't look too bad, just a little light sweeping and cleaning is all that's required. My back is starting to bother me, so I'd better not overdo it today.

1 comment:

  1. Tony and jackie, this is a great blog, will be wonderful to watch her grow, dotty
