Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sleep Struggle

Mia is still having a lot of trouble sleeping in her bassinet, right next to our bed. She's an absolute angel during the day, but mainly because she's being held. But at night she screams like there is a demon inside her for a good 10 minutes half hour or more, then drifts off. Right now she's sleeping on my chest, as I blog with one thumb. By 12:15a hopefully she'll still be out, and I'll lay her down again, and pray that gets us to 3:00a at least.
looking pretty weary, iPhone self photo


  1. Well that didn't work. Shocker.

  2. Every hour on the hour she's awake. This seems to be getting worse, not better.

  3. Time stamps are off by 3 hours? I already fixed the posting one. 3:35a.
